News about a Newly Announced Genesis-Like Card Game
The Coming Convergence
Recently, Alex Miller announced a new game, called Convergence, on the
Genesis Discord server. Once he did that, imagination flew. I wanted
to know more about what was brewing in Toronto and had lots of questions
to ask. So, I did. And he answered. The following article is a
summation of those answers.
The Vision
First and foremost, the goal of Convergence is to keep the memory of
Genesis alive. To keep fans playing the game they love. Convergence
will be a cleaner game with new ideas and perspectives. This is a fan
driven endeavor. One of Genesis' strengths was the involvement of fans
either through Future League, Patreon, or Sid’s Ramblings. Convergence
is meant to keep that involvement going.
The Lore
The theme, or I should say the duality, of Convergence is destruction
and rebirth. In this game, whole worlds are physically colliding.
Civilizations with different technologies and social structures find
themselves intermixed and in conflict. This new world separates familiarity
and family. Denizens in this newly formed world, composed of distinct genres,
will see fantasy creatures, sci-fi aliens, and horrific abominations. And
new worlds are still joining. What is causing this Convergence? What
is next? How will the world change tomorrow? No one knows.
The Game Play
There are similarities with Genesis in terms of game play. Convergence plays
on the familiar 5x6 arena, however other arena sizes are being imagined by the design
team. The designers have several ideas (and wants) to have unique arenas.
In its current state, the game plays a little slower than Genesis, but this
outcome is from the focus on balance by the designers. The game could speed up
as new worlds and new cards are imagined and developed. Multiplayer formats
will be included as well.
And there are a few differences. The rules are being updated to make it
clearer for new players and old. A mulligan system will be added. Some
mechanics will also change, such as Aerial being less oppressive.
The Production
After the initial release of the five decks, the designers of the game will
take feedback from players and proceed from there in terms of future production.
The concept of new worlds colliding with old will definitely influence more decks
coming out, or possibly different ways of getting cards in the hands of players.
Fan involvement is meant to be huge in Convergence. Maybe that's another meaning behind
the word "Convergence", where designers and players converge.
The Participation
The designers want this to be a fan-based community-run game. Anyone who wants
to get involved can reach out to Alex Miller and ask how to get involved.
According to Alex, several have already reached out. The existing 5 decks
planned for the initial production have been designed and played since before
the Raze set was released. And everything about these decks are being revisited
with several years worth of experience and improved knowledge. Everyone’s voice
will be heard and can potentially influence the future of Convergence.
Have you ever had an idea for a new genre? Ever wanted to bring high tech and
1970s martial arts movies together? How about pulp action heroes and the old west?
Can you imagine a world colliding with another? You chance to pitch your idea for
a new card game that is just around the corner.